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Blocks 16 & 17, Light, Dark, and Simplified

Block of the Month Sew Along

These two blocks are identical in piecing but the difference in coloring makes them unique. Block 16 is light while Block 17 is dark.

 Block 16    Block 17

When you look closer at the piecing, you may have a sense of deja vu. Look at the corner sections. They are almost identical to the sections of Block 6.

Corner 16    Block 6

If you liked that block, you're in luck; you get to make some more. If you didn't like squaring up all of those tiny 2-3/4" blocks, keep reading. I have simplified this block for you.  Basically, we are just replacing the small HST's with rectangles on the corner sections.

Here is how to make the change for Block 16: Omit all of the 3-1/2" squares for HST (fabrics #2, 4, 8 in block 16).

From either #2 or #4, cut four 2-3/4" x 5" and four 2-3/4" x 7-1/4" rectangles.

Cut an additional four 2-3/4" squares from fabric #8, for a total of eight squares.

All other pieces remain the same.

Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of all eight 2-3/4" squares. Lay on the top corner of the 7-1/4" rectangles and sew on the drawn line. Trim 1/4" away and press. Make sure that the angle goes the correct way.

Add corners to rectangles 

Repeat with the 5" rectangles, except that the angle goes the opposite way.

Notice the difference    Corners go different directions

Construct the rest of the block pieces as directed, 5" HST and QST. Sew the 5" rectangles as shown, to the 5" HST. Press. Then add the larger rectangle. These are the simplified corner sections. 

Simplified corner section

Continue as directed to piece the block. 

Block 16 simplified

Block 17 was made the same way.

Block 17 simplified

And here are my versions in the Folktale and retro Back Porch fabrics. Isn't it fun to see the same block change so much?

Folktale version

Retro, Back Porch version

Happy stitching, see you next month!




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